Founded in 1959, St. Pius X Catholic School is a parochial school that is fully accredited by the Accreditation Commission of the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops (TCCB-ED). The school adheres to the policies and procedures of the TCCB-ED and the Archdiocese of San Antonio.
St. Pius X provides a Catholic learning community for grades PreK3 through 8th. We are a spirit filled Catholic learning community; providing our students with an environment to flourish in our Catholic faith creating a foundation for life!
Our students are secure and safe in a spiritual and disciplined environment that is conducive to learning. St. Pius X Catholic School will prepare your child to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist.
Students of any race, color and national or ethnic origin will be admitted to our school and will have full privileges and rights to all programs and activities generally accorded or made available to all students.
Catholic Schools exist primarily for the education of Catholic students. Where room and facilities permit, students of other faiths or traditions may be admitted according to the stated priorities of SPX School.
All students, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, are enrolled in Catholic Religion classes, which are an integral part of our curriculum. Likewise, all students are expected to participate in all religious services and activities and to demonstrate an attitude consistent with Christian ideals in all of their actions.
St. Pius X Catholic School offers a balanced curriculum that meets and exceeds the standards set by the TCCB-ED. It includes Religion, English, Mathematics, History, Science, Physical Education, Fine Arts, STREAM, and Spanish. Every student will take the NWEA standardized tests three times during the school year in order to ensure that all students are successful and challenged during their time at our school. We utilize interventionists who work with small groups of students to support our classroom teachers.
Through the celebration of weekly masses and traditions including the First Holy Communion, Living Rosary, the Living Stations of the Cross, Eucharist Adoration, May Crowning of the Virgin Mary, and the Feasts of St. Pius X and Our Lady of Guadalupe, the children of St. Pius X Catholic School develop a deep appreciation for their Catholic heritage. Importantly, they not only learn the fundamentals of Catholicism, they learn how to apply those principles to their daily lives. The result is a spiritual and loving environment within which they are encouraged to stand up for their beliefs while building a solid foundation for their futures.
At St. Pius X Catholic School, we believe in that every child is a gift from God, with special talents to be nurtured and developed. We compete in the AIAL and love cheering on our student athletes in ten (10) sports. We have developed a Fine Arts program called STUDIO for our Middle School students to explore their talents, such as drawing, theater, STEM, and many others. Our National Junior Honor Society students lead the school in service projects, while our choirs lead us during the weekly school masses. Our students won many of the top awards at the 2022 CAAC competitions.

7734 Robin Rest
San Antonio, TX 79209
United States