Welcome prospective Families!
Since 1913, Sacred Heart Catholic School has provided an excellent education with a foundation in faith formation, leadership, and academic excellence! This 2022-2023 school year, SHCS will be entering its second year as a Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts, Math (S.T.R.E.A.M.) school. We utilize a cross-curriculum approach while using technological tools to enhance the classroom learning experience. Here are a few examples of what we incorporate: Lego education and robotics, a hydroponic gardening curriculum, martial arts-P.E. hybrid class, basic swimming instruction for PreK-1st grade and much much more! We are Pre-K3 to 6th grade school that integrates technology whenever possible. Each student will have their own tablet next year, we also have a music elective that all students partake in, cursive handwriting in 2nd-6th grade as part of instruction, and art in each grade level. Interesting fact, every year the local high school has many graduates in the top 10 Including valedictorians that went to SHCS in elementary.
Witness the Difference AT SHCS! Check out all the amazing things that happened at SHCS this past 2021-2022 school year! Visit our Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/SacredHeartCatholicSchoolUvalde
We offer guided tours Monday - Friday, just call for an appointment at (830) 278-2661.
For more information or for a registration packet, please email vperez@saredheartuvalde.org or stop by the school at 401 W. Leona St. Uvalde TX 78801
New School Year Highlights
Sacred Heart Catholic School has been preparing to welcome current and new families for the new school year! Our goal this year is to provide a supportive learning environment, in a safe and secure campus, with an atmosphere of love, grace, and unity. Here are a few highlights:
- Trauma Response training for all Staff members
- Needs-based tuition assistance for families
- Emotional support through a full-time campus counselor
- A state-of-the art security system
- Main entrance security verification system
- Installation of 8ft steel fencing to replace existing fencing
- Installation of ballistic grade windows and proximity doors in school and cafeteria that meet the National Institute of Justice level IIA requirements.
- A new cafeteria activity center
Our school was established in 1913 by the Teresian Sisters for the children of Sacred Heart Parish. Sacred Heart Catholic School forms the hearts and minds of our students in Faith Development, Academic Excellence, and Leadership with Jesus as our role model. Sacred Heart Catholic School of Uvalde is under the direction of the Archdiocese of San Antonio. All for Jesus! Todo Por Jesus!
Academic excellence plays a major role in the success of every child at SHCS! Our courses are stimulating and support inquisitive minds. Many S.T.R.E.A.M. lessons focus on collaborative teamwork as a key modality of learning. We don't just teach academics, we help students understand the importance of 21st-century skills (i.e., social, taking initiative, active listening, innovative problem-solving, and decision-making skills). We do utilize NWEA testing and our staff are all bilingual.
Faith formation plays a dominant role at SHCS. The school attends mass once a week and receives religion instruction 45-minutes a day 4-days a week. In second grade many students celebrate their first holy communion. We enjoy having many religious celebrations and observances which we show the students. For example, all students partake in Rosary Wednesday during P.E. (while they work out) they pray a Rosary on this day. This year we took part in the international phenomenon Drawing God Day! We will continue with this since all students and staff enjoyed it and truly reflected and grew in their faith.