Dear Future Wildcat Family,
Welcome to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School!
Together with the parents, grandparents and other family members, the OLPH faculty and staff work to develop the whole child-spiritually, intellectually, socially, emotionally, morally, physically. By offering a variety of programs that encourage family involvement and participation, OLPH fosters a partnership between families and schools. For we recognize much of what our children learn is not only taught, but caught. It is by our example that they grow into faith-filled, Christ-like members of our community.
We are blessed to have multi-generational families attend and minister at OLPH. Our school welcomes back parents and grandparents who once walked the halls as students themselves. Our classes are led by teachers who once sat as students as well. With this great commitment to our community comes an even greater eagerness to welcome new families who might be stationed at local military bases for just a short time. We hope that your family finds a home here as well.
We support high expectations by encouraging a highly rigorous academic curriculum while providing the support needed to be successful. We enlist the help of parish ministries, who provide a tremendous amount of service to our school, from physical plant work to scholarships in support of continued Catholic education.
We provide opportunities for all students, parents, faculty and staff members to live their faith in school, at home and in the community at large. We appreciate your visit to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School and we look forward to working with you as an OLPH Wildcat family.
Amanda Miller
"Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School builds character and shapes tomorrow's leaders by delivering academic excellence in a Catholic Faith-based community".
Our students standardized test scores are in the top 10% for the Nationwide Standardized Assessment. We offer daily religious instruction, Spanish, music, computers, and library classes. OLPH also offers many academic extra-curricular groups and activities for students to expand on and put into practice what is learned in the classroom. The National Junior Honor Society/BETA Club and the Catholic Arts and Academic Competition are just a few of these opportunities offered at OLPH.
There is a strong parish community at OLPH Catholic Church which helps foster a strong faith within the school. Students have a unique opportunity to participate in mass through weekly student-led liturgies; students will be able to volunteer as lectors, ushers, gift bearers, altar servers, or choir members. Students also have the opportunity to join the handbell or recorder ensembles (grades 6-8) or Wildcat Worship Team (grades 3-8) to offer their musical talents in a special way during the school masses. Students also learn to give back to their community through various collections and drives through the church.
The OLPH school community has a number of non-academic extra-curricular activities to help develop the students’ social, physical and spiritual health. A number of sports are offered, including Football, Soccer, Volleyball, Cross Country, Basketball, Baseball, Softball, T-ball, Golf, Track & Field and Tennis. The students may also improve their musical talents through choir, violin, guitar, and cello lessons.