Principal's Welcome - Mrs. Nadine Buhrman
Welcome to St. Luke Catholic School! Although this year looks different, the foundation of who we are will never change. St. Luke was built on the mission of the Brigidine Sisters. The mission of the Brigidine sisters has never been more apropos. The foundation of who they are is stated in their mission, “In the midst of diminishment we continue to seek new ways of affirming the aspects that bind us as a community and to search for new ways of being generative. In this context, we go forward with openness to risk and a fidelity to our shared story.” What a beautiful mission to revisit as we embark upon one of the most difficult journeys most of us have ever encountered. This year will be the year that we reaffirm who we are as Catholics, having faith in our God, as we take steps on our journey.
As parents, we make decisions to help our children become the best people they can be. Some parents view success as money, others may measure success by prestigious jobs. Parents make the decision to send their children to St. Luke Catholic School, because they believe in the mission of our school for success for their children. St. Luke helps to provide the foundation for success through focusing on the message of Jesus, high standards, and communal experiences. We are a family brought together to become Christ-like, to take his message with us wherever we go, and to share that message with others.
The high expectations we have for our students provides a platform for self-efficacy, a true belief that you can accomplish great things with hard work. The values that are ingrained in our students by being held accountable, guided through opportunities for growth, and believing in themselves, is a tried and true formula for success. “Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he eats for a lifetime.” We want our St. Luke graduates to eat for a lifetime, with Christ’s love ingrained in their hearts.
We want to welcome you to our St. Luke family. You will be loved, cherished, and respected. Please become active with your extended family. We all have wonderful gifts to share, to help our community continue to thrive under God’s love. We are St. Luke Catholic School. Welcome home.
Our Mission
Our mission is to educate our students to excel in high school and in life, and to inspire our students to live as faith-filled Catholics.
Academics and Guidance
St. Luke Catholic School offers a balanced core curriculum of religion, reading, language arts, mathematics, social studies, science. The school also offers special classes in Spanish, health, physical education, music, art, technology integration, and other enrichment programming. Spanish is taught to pre-kindergarten through fifth grade and is a major subject in grades 7 and 8.
The faculty strives to encourage cooperative learning rather than competition at the elementary level. Thus, students below grade six are neither grouped by ability level nor do they participate in honor roll. In various ways they are acknowledged by their teachers for demonstrating Christian behavior and effort.
At the middle school level, students are formally acknowledged for academic achievement, demonstrating Christian virtues, citizenship, effort, and service. In the middle school honors classes are offered in English, Literature, and Math.
Private School Accreditation
St. Luke Catholic School is fully accredited by the Texas Catholic Conference Education Department (TCCED). The TCCED is recognized by the Texas Education Agency and is responsible for the accreditation process for Texas Catholic Schools.
Faith Formation
Our Catholic Identity is at the heart of our mission to educate our students and to inspire them to live as faith-filled Catholics.
Middle School Athletics
St. Luke offers a full program of student athletics, for boys and girls, with A and B levels in many sports. St. Luke athletes take pride in their school spirit and Christian sportsmanship, knowing that in the end, the game is won when all are teammates together in Christ.
St. Luke is a member of the Archdiocesan Interscholastic Athletic League, or AIAL. Since the AIAL was established in 1993, St. Luke teams have won 47 championships in the various AIAL sports. In the 24 years that the AIAL has been in existence, St. Luke has won at least one championship every year. St. Luke is the only school in the Archdiocese that fields a team in all 20 of the Archdiocesan team categories.

4603 Manitou
San Antonio, TX 78228
United States