Greetings from Blessed Sacrament Catholic School where we have been building the City of God beginning with a spiritual and academic foundation for over 63 years!
I would first like to thank you for expressing interest in Blessed Sacrament as an educational and spiritual opportunity for your children. Time and time again, the Catholic Church has stressed that parents are the first and primary educators of their children. By taking the time to explore schools within the Archdiocese of San Antonio, you are teaching your children the importance of prayer and research.
Blessed Sacrament Catholic School was founded in 1958 and remains a beacon of hope and light for North Central San Antonio. Our school is involved in an active relationship with Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church under the leadership of Father Christopher Muñoz. Currently, we serve 170 students in Pre-Kindergarten 3 through Eighth Grade. Our unique class size also allows teachers to maximize instruction while actively working to meet the needs of all learners.
Our curriculum program is based on the Archdiocesan Curriculum, which incorporates national content standards, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), and school standards, as well as national shifts in educational instruction. Unlike our counterparts in the public school system, an emphasis is not placed on standardized testing. NWEA Map Growth tests in reading, language, math and science are administered three times a year, but the emphasis is placed on a celebration of knowledge. Test results illustrate academic growth and assist our school in improving instruction.
I invite you to explore our school and learn more about the spiritual and academic programs offered at Blessed Sacrament as well as our strong Bulldog community. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or if would like to schedule an individual tour. I can be reached at (210) 824-3381 or michael.fierro@blessedschool.com.
In service to the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament,
Michael Fierro
The mission of Blessed Sacrament Catholic School is to provide, within an active Christian learning environment, quality education and formation of the whole person by nurturing the development of each child’s talents in the love and service of God and community.
Blessed Sacrament respects the uniqueness of each child and the diversity of talents within our school family. We foster a curriculum to meet the needs of each child, challenging each student to his or her potential. We provide the opportunity for the education of the whole child and believe this education to be a process of continual spiritual and academic growth. We promote and guide the development of all facets of the student’s character: spiritual, intellectual, moral, emotional, physical, cultural and social. The school currently provides academic intervention support for all students and an accelerated curriculum track for middle school students. Our school is a proud member of the University of the Incarnate Word Brainpower Connection and a PK4SA Competitive Grant Program School.
Blessed Sacrament Catholic School, in positive partnership with parents, endeavors to instill in our students, the values and teachings of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. We remain committed to providing an atmosphere of Catholic community that nourishes the gift of faith and encourages our students to live a life of Christian witness and service, through our example of love and service to others. In addition to weekly Mass, students have time built into their schedule to visit with Jesus through Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Every day begins with Morning Prayer understanding that our faith requires a communal approach to learning and playing. Virtues and manners are infused into each month's program along with prayer services that celebrate liturgical seasons, solemnities, and feast days. Service projects, tied to the Corporal Works of Mercy and the Social Teachings of the Catholic Church, are required for all students.
Blessed Sacrament Catholic School provides students with the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities flow from the school’s Philosophy of Education in educating the whole child. Extracurricular activities are coordinated through the School Office and provided by members of the faculty and staff, church personnel and outside contracted organizations. Blessed Sacrament has a full athletic program for students in Fifth Grade through Eighth Grade with younger students participating in the parish's CYO Program. Additional clubs and organizations such as robotics, STEM, choir, gardening, chess, karate, and yearbook are offered for students each semester.

600 Oblate Dr.
San Antonio, TX 78216
United States