Welcome From Our Principal
Welcome to St. John Paul II! Though there is much to say about our school, our curriculum, and our programs, John Paul II is first about the future of our young people, providing the very best in Catholic education and formation. We work to give our families the very best in what matters most, and together, we are forming a school around four core virtues: humility, faith, courage, and love.
We hope, too, that as you explore what John Paul has to offer, our mission and plans will speak to you. Perhaps it will call you to join us, to make your mark in this community -- founding a Catholic school, a great gift for the generations.
Our website will have much information to share with parents, students, and teachers, but certainly, we hope to share more with you. We invite you to attend open house events in the fall, attend a school event, especially weekly Wednesday Mass, catch a game, send an e-mail, or even better stop by for a visit.
May Christ Jesus, through the intercession of Mary our Mother and Blessed John Paul II, grant you peace and joy today and every day.
Nolite Timere,
Andrew Iliff
St. John Paul II Catholic High School
Mission and Vision
Our Mission Statement
St. John Paul II Catholic High School is an Archdiocesan, Roman Catholic college preparatory high school for young women and men that affirms the dignity of all persons; prepares students for excellence in college; engages students in the great works of our Western, Catholic tradition; and deepens young persons’ relationship with Christ.
Our Vision Statement
St. John Paul II Catholic High School will be dedicated to the development of our students spiritually, morally, intellectually, and physically in an environment of love, courage and service that will enable them to fulfill their Baptismal Call to witness Jesus Christ in the modern world.
College Counseling
SJPII has an active and engaged college counseling program, designed to help parents and students maximize the formation they are receiving here at the school. Our goal is to help students identify, apply, and enter a post-secondary program that will help them become all that God has planned for them.
Our Vision and Guiding Principles
The following Guiding Principles were developed in February 2007 by the founding committee of parents.
The school will:
• be thoroughly Catholic, infused and in harmony with all Church teachings;
• educate the whole child by offering the highest caliber of academic and catechetical instruction, and spiritual formation;
• offer an environment whereby Catholic virtues are honored and exemplified by all involved (faculty, parents, students, and volunteers)
• offer the highest caliber of academic instruction;
• have a curriculum permeated with Catholic history to properly equip its students for evangelization and apologetics;
• adopt practices that are focused on creating the optimal learning environment, such as co-instructional classrooms;
• require students to be involved in their local parishes;
• offer athletics and extracurricular activities, yet always mindful that academics and spiritual formation are the school’s priorities;
• establish a means for worthy students of limited financial resources to be able to attend;
• be developed in phases that are driven by market demands; and
• be governed by the authority of the Archbishop of San Antonio and the Archdiocesan School Council.
SJPII is the home of the Guardians! Our student-athletes compete in 19 different varsity sports during the school year. We are a proud member of the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS), where we see the best private school competition the state has to offer. We are a 4A school (among 6 classifications), up from 3A in 2014-16. Our student-athletes are engaged in the pursuit of excellence on the court or field; our teams aspire to be Christian communities, treating teammates, coaches, officials, fans, and opponents as brothers and sisters in Christ.
Our student-athletes are engaged as great students, actively involved in our community, and compete in sports at the highest level. Athletics help student-athletes to challenge themselves, learn to work within a team atmosphere, develop leadership skills, and use their hard work and dedication to achieve their long-term goals.
We are very proud of our athletic program and we are working hard every day to make it even better. We have an exceptional group of coaches and staff in place. We are excited about our future and believe the best is ahead.

6720 FM 482
New Braunfels, TX 78132
United States